Our main focus is for the young women placed in our care to become emotionally stable and self sufficient in order to live independently.

Our intention is to empower them to ‘become the best versions of themselves, rather than second rate versions of someone else’ (our mission statement).

We aim to:

  • Provide the best possible care and therapeutic intervention to young women who are in crisis.
  • Prevent long-term in-patient or secure unit admissions, and to improve the life chances for each young woman placed in our care.
  • Provide young women with a safe, supportive and nurturing base, from which they can begin to develop self-awareness, self-respect, self-belief, independence and purpose.
  • Integrate young women into the wider community, offering them the opportunity to develop confidence, motivation and resourcefulness to achieve goals in their life.
  • Support young women in gaining the necessary skills to begin to mentalise previously hidden internal experiences, to gain awareness of how these experiences resulted in a sense of alienation from themselves, their peers and society.
  • Help young women understand the consequences of destructive behaviour, and support them in developing other positive coping strategies.
  • Encourage young women to make informed choices based in their needs, rather than acting on impulse and/or peer pressure.
  • Support young women in developing an understanding as to why they are a looked after young person, and support them in overcoming the many difficulties that can be associated with this.
  • We support and develop young women’s abilities to be in formal or informal education and/or training, thus giving opportunity to positive social interaction.
  • To work in partnership with local authorities, families (where appropriate), and/or other professionals who are faced with the dilemma of placing young women with complex needs, who are constrained by budgetary issues but want the best possible outcomes for the young women placed in their care
The Medusa Project values close collaborative working which, has helped many young women avoid multiple hospital admissions.

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